Ohel Ayalah

Free, walk-in High Holiday services for people in their 20s & 30s.

About Us

Ohel Ayalah offers a free, walk-in High Holiday services and discounted Passover Seders to meet the needs of many New York Jews, in particular young Jews, who are looking for community and celebration.

Every Jew should feel welcome in a community on the High Holidays and for Seders, whether or not they are a member and whether or not they made arrangements to attend. This is the mission of Ohel Ayalah.

Upcoming Events

Ohel Ayalah has not posted any upcoming events.

Ohel Ayalah has not posted any open jobs.

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Ohel Ayalah

Rabbi Moishe Steigmann, 4609 N. River Park Blvd., Glendale, WI 53209


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