New York City Jewish Dating, Culture, and Community
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Books That Changed My Life Festival
Dive into the enchanting world of the Books That Changed My Life Festival, hosted by the JCC’s Lambert Center for Arts + Ideas. This 3rd annual celebration of programs takes place over two months and embraces the magical power of books to transform our lives. Cozy up with a captivating...
Books That Changed My Life | The Hall of Fame of The Great Monsters with Jackie Hoffman
What makes a monster- a monster? Join us in person as experts explore the wild world of monsters in literature, TV, movies, books, and pop culture. From folklores beasts to todays lovable yet terrifying misfits,...
Beit Juhuro Invites World Famous Challah Lady Suri Jaroslawitz!
Join Suri Jaroslavitz, the Challah Lady, for a unique experience exploring the spiritual and cultural significance of challah.
Women’s Flower Bouquet Making with Rivkie Siderson & Ravi Schwartz
Join MJE’s women in learning how to make flower bouquets!
Bagels & Beer | Social & Talk for 20s & 30s YJPs| MJE Downtown
Join us for a bagel & beer night! Meet new friends, emjoy a delicious bagel bar & meet young jewish professionals! It’s the perfect chance to unwind, meet some new people, and enjoy a casual...
Connections Cocktail Hour
Join us for a relaxed hour with good conversation and your favorite drink. All are welcome.
“Sex, Love & Relationships” w/ Rabbi Mark Wildes | Dinner+Late Night Lounge
“Sex, Love & Relationships” With Rabbi Mark Wildes | Wednesdays @ 7PM & Late Night Lounge
METRO – NY – Evolve in NY Metro – Paint and Sip – 2025
Are you or is someone in your life in their 20s or 30s? If so, come celebrate new friends and new fruits with a Tu B’Shevat meets Galantine’s Day event.
Kinks and Drinks at the Museum of sex
💖 Kinks? Pleasure? Toys? Oh my! Get ready for the hottest Erev Valentine’s yet on February 13 — because who says the day before can’t steal the show?
Tu BiShvat Cocktail Party
Join us for our biggest winter event for young Zionists and commemorate Tu BiShvat, the original Earth Day.
Tree-Sense: A Mystical Tu Bishvat Ritual
Tu Bishvat–the Jewish calendar’s tree celebration–is a holiday steeped in mysticism and ecological consciousness. The Neighborhood: An Urban Center for Jewish Life and Shefa: Jewish Psychedelic Support have partnered to present a Tu Bishvat ritual...
Holy Hour Happy Hour
Happy Hour every Friday night.
Shabbat Dinner at Kavanah Space
Join us for the Shabbat experience at the beautiful Kavanah Space. Meet and Greet, Uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat and an unforgettable Dinner.
Bubbie Bingo!
Join Hebro for an afternoon with America’s favorite Drag Bubbie at this special President’s Day Weekend bingo event with Merriam Levkowitz!
Connections Cocktail Hour
Join us for a relaxed hour with good conversation and your favorite drink. All are welcome.
The Jewish Dating Game!
Celebrate KVELLENTINE’S DAY 💘 February 18th in downtown NYC! Blind date live on stage with personalized matches and WIN a five star dinner date at “The Jewish Dating Game!” Whether you’ve got the chutzpah to...
“Sex, Love & Relationships” w/ Rabbi Mark Wildes | Dinner+Late Night Lounge
“Sex, Love & Relationships” With Rabbi Mark Wildes | Wednesdays @ 7PM & Late Night Lounge
1000 Strong, Part III
Donations & Sponsors: The highly anticipated Part III of 1,000 Strong is here. Join 1,000 of NYC’s leaders and national voices for a night to remember. This event will feature a fully immersive light...
Holy Hour Happy Hour
Happy Hour every Friday night.
Shabbat Dinner at Kavanah Space
Join us for the Shabbat experience at the beautiful Kavanah Space. Meet and Greet, Uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat and an unforgettable Dinner.
Singles Icebreaker Shabbat Dinner
Take a moment to relax, reflect, and appreciate the joy of gathering in a welcoming and vibrant community while breaking the ice! With an array of delicious food and drinks to savor, let’s create lasting...